3.3.1. Manual test The manual test module is the most basic and convenient test module for the relay protection tester. It is suitable for various tests. The user can freely add the values ​​of each analog quantity. It is purely manual operation, intuitive and convenient. In this test module, the user manually controls the output and change process of the analog quantity by setting the parameters of each analog quantity to achieve the purpose of testing the test object. There are three ways to change the output voltage, current, impedance and sequence components, such as direct parameter input, step change and hold button.
(1) Set input mode: including phase voltage and current (LN), line voltage phase current (LL), sequence component, impedance, power, DC and other six parameter input modes. The voltage and current angles are all referenced to the zero coordinate of the polar coordinate level. The counterclockwise lead (such as the first quadrant) is a positive angle, and the hysteresis (such as the fourth quadrant) is a negative angle. The magnitude or positive or negative angle of the voltage or current does not determine the direction of the current. The direction of the current is defined by the voltage and the phase relationship between the current and the voltage. Generally, the line impedance angle is defined as Phi=600 (such as 35kV line impedance angle), then the relationship between voltage and current in the 900 wiring is determined to be positive. The voltage lead current is a positive angle, and the current lead voltage is a negative angle. Pay attention to their differences when using them.
(2) Input mode When the impedance is selected, two impedance expression modes are provided: polar coordinate complex plane mode (impedance modulus Z, impedance angle Phi, inductive impedance angle Phi greater than zero, that is, positive angle) and rectangular coordinate complex plane mode (resistance R, reactance X). The calculation formula corresponds to two impedance measurement methods (constant current, constant voltage).
(3) Fault type, select one fault type (E indicates grounding) in the four interphase faults (AB, BC, CA, and ABC) and six ground faults (AE, BE, CE, ABE, BCE, CAE). malfunction).
(4) The output amount is incremented, decremented, and maintained by the operation interface button.
(5) Fault type and input mode are intelligently associated with voltage and current output to prevent unnecessary meaningless parameter input.
(6) The relationship between the manual test and the simulated fault output is expressed by the timing diagram. The current protection test is shown in the following figure. The holding time from the point a to the point b is the initial value. The current value at point b is increased by one step. From point b to point c, the holding time at this value is increased by one step at the point d, assuming that At the moment, the action value is reached, and the current time of the current relay is passed. (At the end of the test end mode selection operation, the test is terminated.) The current will drop at point e, and the test returns the value. As shown in the figure, the return value is reached at point f. When the point relay returns, the return time between fg.

3.3.2. Optical digital relay protection tester Trigger test Trigger test is mainly used for tests that require continuous output of different state quantities, such as output pre-fault-fault-fault three state sequences (select normal mode). If there are multiple states, you can select a custom mode. In this custom mode, users can edit their own sequence of states as needed. Users can easily define and sequence up to 250 state sequence processes and provide inter-state conditions based on time or volume. The ability to jump. Through this module, various power system fault conditions can be simulated to achieve the purpose of verifying and detecting the protection device. Triggering tests are equivalent to multiple manual tests that can be defined.
3.3.3. Optical digital relay protection tester When the test action value, return value, return coefficient and action time are protected, the voltage, current amplitude, phase and frequency output by the tester are set by the user. The length and change time are incremented or decremented. The recursive variable is increased or decreased from the previous recursive value to the next recursive value.
(1) Output two sets of definable test signals (signal 1 and signal 2):
1 Signal 1 defines the amount: voltage, current, frequency, impedance, sequence component, etc.
2 Signal 2 defines the amount: voltage, current, frequency.
(2) Select output fault: automatically switch according to the output quantity and select the required fault type.
(3) Change mode: The way the output changes.
1 Start-end: The output changes from the initial value to the final value, and the change waveform is the square wave step up or down.
2 Start-end-start: The output changes from the initial value to the final value as the first state change (simulation fault relay action), and then changes from the final value to the initial state (simulated fault cut-out relay returns). Both initial and final values ​​can be customized.
3 Zigzag: The output changes from the initial value to the final value in a zigzag shape.
(4) The status bar parameter directly inputs the change initial value, final value, change amount, time and other values.
(5) Channel: Determine the output (voltage, current, impedance, sequence component, etc.).
(6) Fault type: cooperate with the output variable and channel to output the variable corresponding to the selected fault type.
3.3.4. Optical digital relay protection tester The pulse diversion test differs from the gradual change test in that the output of the pulse gradual test tester is incremented from the initial value to the incremental value or the gradual value to the incremental value. zero.
Optical digital protection tester pulse transfer diagram description:
1-Reset voltage, after each reset, output pulse start voltage, such as starting from 20V;
2-starting point voltage, pulse-grading starting voltage, such as 5V;
3- The first simulation fault output voltage is reduced from 20V to the starting voltage of 5V, and the fault time is 1s; the second analog fault output voltage is reduced from 20V to the starting voltage of 15V, the variation â–³ is 10V, and the fault time is 1s;
4-failure time, such as 1s;
5- return time, such as 2s;
6-The starting point voltage, the pulse-grading end point voltage, such as 70V.
3.4. Test procedure After the user enters the test interface, the test setup can be started. The operation steps can usually be divided into 6 steps, the order is:
1 Network parameter setting, setting the setting or parameter of the relay protection device related to the power system;
2 relay model selection and related setting settings;
3 test setup, set test parameters and edit test items;
4 Start the test and start the test;
5 Results View, view the results of this test;
6 Report generation, generating a test report based on the results.
Section 4 Current Protection Test of Optical Digital Relay Protection Tester
4.1. Test plan
4.2. Optical digital relay protection tester test method Select the manual test module [1], measure the action value and action time, and use the following three methods to change the output current.
(1) Input parameters directly and output corresponding test values.
(2) Change the step size Select the step size option after each change parameter, and set the change step size of each variable (the step size can be positive or negative), then click the increase/decrease button once to change the output according to the step size. once.
(3) Press the hold button with the hold button. At this time, all the parameters can be set in the analog input area. In the process, all the changes are different from the mode (1). Only when the setting is completed, press this again. Button, the tester will output according to all the parameters set.
4.3. Operation interface
4.4. Optical digital relay protection tester parameter setting (1) LN input view: Use the AC phase voltage and phase current mode to set the analog output parameters.
Note: When the fault type is set to "arbitrary" type, in order to improve the user's convenience, some right-click menu functions (copy, cut, paste, etc.) have been added.
(2) LL input view: Set the analog parameters to be output with AC line voltage and line current mode.
4.5. Optical digital relay protection tester test example
4.5.1. Test item protection model: DL-3
Test item: current relay action current and action time protection setting:
4.5.2. Test wiring
4.5.3. Optical digital relay protection tester parameter setting (1) Fixed value setting 1 Test mode: manual test.
2 Set the input method: Select LN.
3 Current initial value: set to 1.500A, which is less than the action value.
4 Current step value: 0.1A.
5 Long time per step: 1s.
6 Voltage setting: This relay does not need additional voltage and does not need to be set.
(2) Input quantity setting 1 The contact logic relationship is set to logical OR.
2 Contact is selected as contact 1.
3 The test end mode is selected as the action and ends.
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