A month ago, Samsung introduced the latest 7-inch flat-panel Galaxy Tab 2. The tablet, once available, was equipped with the latest Android 4.0 system, eliminating the user's anxiety about waiting for updates. Recently, foreign media revealed that the tablet is currently officially released in India, and will soon be listed in the region.
It is understood that the Indian version of this tablet is called the Galaxy Tab 2 310, and it is consistent with the previously published information. The machine uses a 1024 × 600 resolution level screen, equipped with 1GHz dual-core processor, equipped with 1GB RAM memory, 3 million pixel camera and a VGA front camera, providing a 4000mAh capacity battery and 8GB/16GB/32GB optional storage.
The Galaxy Tab 2 310 supports Bluetooth 3.0, Wi-Fi, and HSPA+ networks up to 21Mbps. In addition to the Android 4.0 system, this tablet will also carry Samsung's own TouchWiz UI.
According to Indian media reports, the Galaxy Tab 2 310 is expected to sell for 23,250 Indian rupees, equivalent to about 2,930 yuan, which will be sold in India next month.
It is understood that the Indian version of this tablet is called the Galaxy Tab 2 310, and it is consistent with the previously published information. The machine uses a 1024 × 600 resolution level screen, equipped with 1GHz dual-core processor, equipped with 1GB RAM memory, 3 million pixel camera and a VGA front camera, providing a 4000mAh capacity battery and 8GB/16GB/32GB optional storage.
The Galaxy Tab 2 310 supports Bluetooth 3.0, Wi-Fi, and HSPA+ networks up to 21Mbps. In addition to the Android 4.0 system, this tablet will also carry Samsung's own TouchWiz UI.
According to Indian media reports, the Galaxy Tab 2 310 is expected to sell for 23,250 Indian rupees, equivalent to about 2,930 yuan, which will be sold in India next month.
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Dimension range
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