The NTT Group reported that more than 90% of the exchanges and mobile base stations affected in the earthquake have been repaired and gradually, and services are gradually recovering.
In the next phase, the NTT Group plans to repair its entire exchange and mobile base stations by the end of April. The company also plans to update power supplies and equipment, re-lay relay transmission lines, and rectify relay transmission lines connecting mobile base stations.
For the rest of the region, the NTT Group will do its utmost to prioritize service restoration in special areas such as municipalities and school shelters, and provide satellite mobile phones and other means of communication to improve the communication environment. About 90% of the enterprise data information services have been restored and updated. In addition, their international communication services are not affected at present.
In order to support the refugees affected by the disaster, NTT Group provided free communication services, confirmed disaster relief information services, and provided corporate premises as evacuation spaces for victims.
At present, NTT Group is committed to raising donations to its users and has decided to donate 1 billion yen to relief work.
In the next phase, the NTT Group plans to repair its entire exchange and mobile base stations by the end of April. The company also plans to update power supplies and equipment, re-lay relay transmission lines, and rectify relay transmission lines connecting mobile base stations.
For the rest of the region, the NTT Group will do its utmost to prioritize service restoration in special areas such as municipalities and school shelters, and provide satellite mobile phones and other means of communication to improve the communication environment. About 90% of the enterprise data information services have been restored and updated. In addition, their international communication services are not affected at present.
In order to support the refugees affected by the disaster, NTT Group provided free communication services, confirmed disaster relief information services, and provided corporate premises as evacuation spaces for victims.
At present, NTT Group is committed to raising donations to its users and has decided to donate 1 billion yen to relief work.
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