5.1 Purchase, connection and placement of speaker system

The popularity of DVD drives on home computers has made more and more users use their computers to play DVDs. Just as the VCD trend a few years ago led the development of multimedia, this DVD trend will greatly promote the popularity of 5.1-channel systems. Therefore, how to build a 5.1-channel system and how to use it has become a concern for many computer users.

5.1 channel system requirements

Choose 5.1 sound card

Most of the current mainstream sound cards and integrated sound cards on the motherboard can already support 5.1 channels, unless your sound card is too antique. But if you want good 5.1-channel playback, you also need to pay attention to your sound card. The author here recommends that everyone try to choose an independent sound card. According to the author's experience, it is better to support the low-end of the 5.1 sound card with black gold 2VF and innovative Sound Blaster Live? 5.1; the mid-range and innovative Sound Blaster Audigy Se, Audigy LS; (Terratec). In addition, there are some Philips and Terratec 5.1 sound cards, which are also very good.

Choose 5.1 speakers

With the popularity of 5.1 channels, more and more 5.1 speakers have appeared, and prices continue to fall. The current price is mainly concentrated in the range of 200 yuan -500 yuan. For 5.1 speaker selection, everyone should pay attention to the following points when choosing:

1. The size of the subwoofer The larger the size of the subwoofer, the better. The size of the woofer determines the maximum undistorted output sound pressure. Therefore, the large caliber is a guarantee of bass shock. The caliber of a general subwoofer is about 6.5 inches. If you want to be strong, it is best to be 8 inches. The 5-inch subwoofer is not very effective and can basically be given up.

2. Satellite speaker unit The larger the satellite speaker unit, the better. In order to ensure high sound, it is best to use a two-way satellite speaker, so that the overall sound quality is better than the full-band unit.

3. Power power is also one of the important factors to obtain a shock effect. Only with enough power can the sound be guaranteed not to be soft at high volume.

5.1 channel system connection

Because the label of the interface behind the sound card has no uniform position and color specification, it is impossible to know without reading the manual. You can refer to the sound card manual, and the speakers are relatively standardized. The interface of the general 5.1 speakers is on the back of the subwoofer and is marked by the relevant text (Figure 1).

In general, there are several input and output interfaces. Usually, the manufacturer will indicate the purpose of each interface, some in Chinese and some in English, but they are all a common specification. "L / R" at the input connector represents the front channel, "C / SW" represents the center / subwoofer, "SL / SR" represents the surround (rear) channel, and "R" at the output connector Stands for front right channel speaker, "L" stands for front left channel speaker, "C" stands for center speaker, "SR" stands for surround right speaker (rear right), and "SL" stands for surround left channel speaker (rear left). Understand the meaning of these characters, in most cases, you can connect 5.1 speakers without reading the manual.

5.1 channel system positioning

5.1 The positioning of the system is relatively complicated. First talk about the placement of the subwoofer. Since people are not sensitive to the directionality of the bass, the subwoofer can be placed in the corner. But there are two points to note:

1. The subwoofer must not be placed on objects that easily form resonances-such as a very light computer desk. Once this is done, when the subwoofer is working, the table also vibrates, which has a great impact on the sound quality.

2. The back of the subwoofer should not be close to the wall. This is because many subwoofers are backward-inverted. If the inverted hole faces backwards, if there is no certain distance, the bass cannot be played. Therefore, at least some distance from the wall.

After the subwoofer was set up, it was the turn of the satellite speakers. The front speakers are best at an angle of 45 degrees to 60 degrees to the ears. The distance between the left and right speakers is determined by the listener's position (distance from the display). Generally, the front speakers can be placed parallel to the listener or placed as in the 2.0 system, but no matter how they are placed, the height should be the same as possible! There is only one principle for the center speaker-the positioning must be directly in front, that is, the vertical bisector of the left and right speakers. It doesn't matter the distance before and after, but don't get too close or too far. The surround speakers and the front speakers are placed face-to-face or at a 60-degree angle to the human ear. It is best to hang them at the rear and 60 cm to 90 cm above the head.

5.1 The positioning of the speakers directly affects the sound effect of the DVD. To have a good effect, it must be placed in strict accordance with the positioning rules (Figure 2). A well-positioned 5.1 system should be clearly positioned without faults. For example, if the bullet crosses the sky, there should be a very complete feeling of position change. If there is no such feeling or the feeling is unclear, you need to adjust the position of your speaker. The vocal dialogue should be from the center, feeling the speaker is in front of you. In terms of low frequency, the 5.1 system pays attention to shock, which should have a good effect on the scene of large dynamics. The high-quality 5.1 system should be powerful and magnificent.

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FTTH Cabling Accessories we here means the little insignificant parts but they are indispensable conditions when we do FTTH cabling .With quality level we required same as the fiber optic products, we use good quality plastic and stainless steel to make our ftth cabling accessories. Such like heat shrink tube splicing sleeves, conduit box, draw hooks, bending angle, cable clips, and so on.

With these FTTH cabling accessories, it is just like to put a coat on the fibers when you lay them in the wall corner or through the wall holes. The fibers is easily broken during pulling, torsioning and impacting. Besides, the dust cover can keep the fiber away from the dust that the fiber can work with good performance. It is a must to use such FTTH cabling accessories to ensure a qualified fiber play an important role in transmission.

FTTH Cabling Accessories, we also called FTTH Drop Cable Accessories,FTTH Structured Cabling Accessories(Tail Duct,Finishing Groove,Bending Angle, Kok Yin Angle, Hose Connector, Wall Tube,Wall Cable Tube, Plywood Retractors, Hole Wiring Duct,Seal Hole Trough, Hole Wiring Duct,Seal Hole Trough,S Type Fasteners,Dead-End Clamp,). we here means the little insignificant parts but they are indispensable conditions when we do FTTH cabling .With quality level we required same as the fiber optic products, we use good quality plastic and stainless steel to make our FTTH Cabling Accessories. Such like heat shrink tube splicing sleeves, conduit box, draw hooks, bending angle, cable clips, and so on.

With these FTTH Cabling Accessories, it is just like to put a coat on the fibers when you lay them in the wall corner or through the wall holes. The fibers is easily broken during pulling, torsioning and impacting. Besides, the dust cover can keep the fiber away from the dust that the fiber can work with good performance. It is a must to use such FTTH Cabling Accessories to ensure a qualified fiber play an important role in transmission.

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FTTH Cabling Accessories

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