Is 4G going to an all-IP network, using WiMax or LTE?

Is 4G going to an all-IP network, using WiMax or LTE?

In a competition to provide broadband wireless access to a range of computing devices, the first stage may have been won by WiMax, and it looks ready to cover current Wi-Fi nodes.

However, according to senior executives from ConTInuous CompuTIng, in many developed countries, the Long Term Evolution (LTE) approach appears to be the long-term unifier of voice and data services, and the company has introduced a method that allows network operators to switch from 3G Upgrade to 4G wireless broadband hardware and software suite.

LTE will upgrade the existing universal mobile telecommunication system cellular network to 4G performance as well as WiMAX. "Obviously, WiMAX is a technology that is now prepared and is gaining momentum here. However, we feel that it is most suitable for the" green field "market that wants to deploy broadband, but there is no such powerful as India. Existing infrastructure, "said Manish Singh, vice president of product line management at San Diego-based ConTInuous CompuTIng.

"For LTE, there is still a lot of development and experimentation that needs to be done. However, from the network operator ’s point of view, you may overlap the 4G LTE network over the existing 3G or 2G network with all voice traffic, while Coverage for the entire country is provided by their existing infrastructure, "Singh added.

Although WiMAX is an extension of the Wi-Fi network, it may also involve mobile phones using the VoIP protocol to handle voice traffic, making it attractive in markets where there is no cellular coverage. On the other hand, LTE overlaps the IP network on top of the voice network, making it possible to use the existing infrastructure to transmit voice traffic. At the same time, the next-generation services such as web browsing and video streaming use IP networks.

LTE seeks to evolve into an all-IP network that supports 4G services and voice traffic. However, unlike WiMAX, LTE allows voice traffic to continue to be offloaded and provide nationwide coverage during the transition from 4G to existing 2G and 3G networks.

Continuous Computing claims that it has developed a set of hardware and software provided by the Trillium branch it acquired from Intel in 2004, which allows network operators to convert to 4G all-IP networks by gradually upgrading network equipment .

"Our telecommunications platform and Trillium software enable LTE networks to overlay new broadband enhanced mobile applications and services built using the Advanced Telecommunication Computing Architecture (ATCA) with deep packet inspection," Singh said.

Its ATCA-based solutions now include: Evolved Packet Core (evolved packet core), existing 4G equivalent services of General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), and LTE Femtocell (or home base station).

The LTE service based on Continuous Computing ’s hardware and software suite will support a downlink broadband data rate of 100 Mbps and an uplink data rate of 50 Mbps, and support real-time mobile TV.

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