At the Intel Developer Forum (IDF 2016) in San Francisco, Intel shared the latest results of the Project Alloy project and is expected to become a wireless virtual reality device for every average consumer in the future. Currently Intel does not disclose the specific details of the project. The WiGig VR device prototype not only does not require regular PC support in the current VR field, but also does not have any cables, and may be equipped with a full-size Core processor and graphics card inside the body.
In fact, this wireless VR device is based on the Oculus DK2 developer kit to be transformed, but the front of the fuselage equipped with a 3D printed plastic sleeve, equipped with a variety of expansion components. In addition, on the PC side, Intel remodeled on an alien gaming PC, installed a black transceiver box on top, and was able to connect to the WiGig VR within 5 meters.
In the demonstration, this alien game PC does not have a monitor, keyboard, and mouse, but only an HDMI VR device. At present, the gap between WiGig 802.11ad and the top wired connection is 16ms. This gap is not very terrible in the actual experience. Intel is currently able to push most VR games with 75fps, and even the system can easily handle 90fps. Engineers believe that the issue of future delay will be further resolved.
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