Facebook is closing Oculus Story Studio, a virtual reality film studio owned by its subsidiary Oculus. Oculus Story Studio has produced a number of excellent VR film and television works, including "Henry" has won the first Emmy Award in VR film, creating history.
Jason Rubin, deputy director of Oculus's content department, explained in a statement that the Facebook-owned subsidiary is focusing on funding external creators who provided $50 million in funding to help the arts workers. Create "experimental" non-gaming VR content. Oculus also provides them with tutorials, development best practices, and outreach opportunities.
Rubin writes: “We are still committed to the development of the VR film and creative content ecosystem. Now, as a large number of film makers and developers are focusing on narrative VR art forms, we will focus on funding and supporting them. Content." An Oculus spokesperson said that some experiences may be released through Oculus Studios, and they have released major VR games such as "RockBand VR" and "Robo Recall." The two-year, $50 million commitment is just the beginning. At last year's OC3 conference, Facebook executive director Mark Zuckerberg said that they have invested 250 million US dollars to fund games and video content, and will invest 250 million U.S. dollars in the future.
The spokesperson pointed out that members of the Story Studio core team will adjust their positions or leave the company and pursue Other roles. Oculus will retain "Quill," a creative tool developed by Story Studio for the VR film Dear Angelica. However, there seems to be no further development of this tool, and it is not yet clear if Oculus will continue to work with artists using Quill to develop virtual reality animated content.
Extended Reading: "Henry" Wins VR Movie's First Emmy Award
Oculus Story Studio was initially established in early 2015. They have released three short films so far: first, Lost; then, Henry; followed by Dear Angelica. All three of these works have been widely acclaimed by the industry and are one of the most well-known works in the field of virtual reality film and television works. In addition, "Henry" is the first VR movie to win the Emmy Award. Rubin said closing Story Studio is "the best way to allocate resources."
Extended reading: Oculus ex-CEO reveals its own initiative to petition to transfer
An Oculus spokesperson stated that the closing of Story's studio was not directly related to Oculus's internal restructuring last year (in the last year, Brendan Erribi stepped down as Oculus Executive Director and transferred to the PC VR Division).
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