"Invisible Guest" is a suspense movie directed by Oreo Paul, starring Mario Casas, Ana Wagner, Barbara Lani, and Jose Carona. The film tells entrepreneur Adrian that he was involved in a murder case when he was in the midst of his career. In order to cleanse the crime, he invited a gold medal female lawyer Virginia to defend himself, which triggered an incredible story.
The film constructed a wonderful story of constant reversal, using the double-edgedness of lies to the extreme. On the surface, the entire process is a repeated repetition of the facts of the case. The fact is that the focus is on the rivalry between female lawyers and entrepreneurs and their mutual wisdom. The details of these foreshadowing and the rendering of emotions, cautiously aligning the hidden reversals in the case, also hinted at the film's surprise as the end of heaven.
All the people in the film are normal people. Only in the occasional abnormality, they are squeezed and deformed. They also generate new extrusions and fission in the process of deformation. In addition to enjoying the tight nerves, it is also a process. Feel the real feeling of being "scared" by the same darkness in one's own heart, resulting in fear of a stretch. The story in the man and the lawyer's constant virtual imaginary tactics is peeled off one after another. The viewer also follows the reversal of the story, and the understanding of the story continues to the next level.
In the construction of suspense, "Invisible Guest" actually does not have any overly stunning idea, but it is very good in perfecting every detail so that the film can be constructed into a meticulous whole while directing Orio Paul Paul's use of flashbacks and flashbacks is even more perfect. The movie also has a very good starting point at the beginning. It is that as the hero, the elite man with his mouth to lie must help in order to cover up the crime and help him to acquit the crime. The woman lawyers tell all the truth, and this process is actually full of games of lies.
Users using smart TV/TV boxes can watch Tencent Video TV Edition to watch “Invisible Guests†through the sofa butler client
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Tencent video TV version of "invisible guests"
The film constructed a wonderful story of constant reversal, using the double-edgedness of lies to the extreme. On the surface, the entire process is a repeated repetition of the facts of the case. The fact is that the focus is on the rivalry between female lawyers and entrepreneurs and their mutual wisdom. The details of these foreshadowing and the rendering of emotions, cautiously aligning the hidden reversals in the case, also hinted at the film's surprise as the end of heaven.
All the people in the film are normal people. Only in the occasional abnormality, they are squeezed and deformed. They also generate new extrusions and fission in the process of deformation. In addition to enjoying the tight nerves, it is also a process. Feel the real feeling of being "scared" by the same darkness in one's own heart, resulting in fear of a stretch. The story in the man and the lawyer's constant virtual imaginary tactics is peeled off one after another. The viewer also follows the reversal of the story, and the understanding of the story continues to the next level.
In the construction of suspense, "Invisible Guest" actually does not have any overly stunning idea, but it is very good in perfecting every detail so that the film can be constructed into a meticulous whole while directing Orio Paul Paul's use of flashbacks and flashbacks is even more perfect. The movie also has a very good starting point at the beginning. It is that as the hero, the elite man with his mouth to lie must help in order to cover up the crime and help him to acquit the crime. The woman lawyers tell all the truth, and this process is actually full of games of lies.
Users using smart TV/TV boxes can watch Tencent Video TV Edition to watch “Invisible Guests†through the sofa butler client
Tencent video TV version downloaded by sofa butler
Tencent video TV version of "invisible guests"
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